Thursday, September 16, 2010

Technicolor Pachyderm

Summer is coming to a close, and in a place with no real indication of climate change, I've been forced to mind my calendar. Which is not without it's benefits, such as not appearing to be totally lost and actually knowing which day it is. I digress, but there have been some monumental changes in my paradigm. I have a Dinosaur in my life. Now, that may sound a little off-putting to some, maybe even dangerous. But let me assure you, there is nothing more gratifying than winning the affections of a carnivorous reptile lover. They tend to get bitey, but it's worth it. Also, I'm also starting my next feature script (with some help from aforementioned Dino), a comedy about a certain pop-culture sub-set (can't give away too much :P). I feel inspired, and it's beautiful. I'm hoping to hone some of that responsibility I've heard so much about and have this script in a finished 1st draft by the end of the month. I'll keep you posted. Also, if you haven't peeped it yet, check out my latest short: "Smart Phriend" on or Facebook!
Until next time...


- Posted on the run, from my iPhone