I just wrapped on an XBOX commercial (the details of which I can't say due to confidentiality, corny, but real), and it was quite amazing, to say the least. Not only was I very grateful for the opportunity to work in these crazy ass times, but the crew was amazing. In fact, so were the clients and the agency (which, trust me, is not always the case). I'm excited because apparently this is playing all over the world. This is a first for me. The funny part, the events preceding and following the actual shoot were like life was torturing me. My car broke down, my face broke out, my internet and cable went down, I was one broken shoelace from insanity. But I kept reminding myself of the fact I was shooting an international commercial, and that this was all just life testing me to see if I could practice what I preach. Now, this wasn't just an opportunity for me to brag, but I did want to say that I owe it all to my new-found positivity. I was in the middle of a torrential shit-storm a few months ago. And, at one point I said to myself, I'm not going to give up, and let this superfluous b.s. get to me. I realized that as hard as I've worked, and as good as I do my thing, NOTHING is promised, and I am not entitled to anything I haven't manifested on my own. This is also coming off of the heels of me finishing a script, starring in two short films, and directing a music video (all of which I produced or made moves to be involved with on my own tenacity). I'm not saying gifts from the universe aren't welcome and amazing, but that if you expect to write your ticket on that, you're in for constant disappointment. None of this good stuff started to happen until I took full responsibility for my situation and took steps to change it. If you can be truly happy and motivated in the face of adversity, you will succeed. When the chips are down, will you let things throw you off balance, or will you maintain clarity and maneuver like a champion. For me, I feel like my time in LA was to help me cultivate this. New York is one of the hardest places to live in the world, but I feel much more in my element, so it kind of evens it out. Here, it's a different kind of difficult, it's like working out using muscles you didn't even know you had. I feel like figuring this out was a gift, which is what prompted me to share this with the world. Enjoy, and remember: Breathe, and have fun...
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