Monday, February 4, 2013

Los AAAngeles: How to lock your keys in your car

It's been a while since my last post. Probably, due to the fact that I feel like I'm coming out of a six month haze... I've had string of house guests (in my spacious studio ), just wrote/financed/starred-in/directed SIX episodes of a web-series (more on that later {#TheCoasters}) and to top it off, I just had mental sparring match with capitalism (IRS & my bank tried to double-team me, and not in the good way). It's strange how the little things all add up to a cacophony before you know it.
So, this morning was the first time I've felt like myself in a while. Had a really good rest, woke up with enough time to actually make & drink some coffee (bomb Ethiopian from TJ's), and head out for the day...
First appointment goes well, then I head to my second dressed to be in a pool (swim trunks, obviously) which denied me the use of pockets, so when I'm double checking to make sure I had money to put in the meter & my phone, I have the sinking feeling my hands feel "more empty" than they should. That's when time slows to a crawl, as I swing around and let out a cliche "Nooooooooooo!", and I turn simultaneously as the door shuts, and I see my keys, glimmering from the seat in the LA sun. Playfully blinding me, and taunting me...
I try not to panic as a passerby asks me if I need an extra quarter (bless her heart), to which I replied "thanks, but not unless that quarter can unlock my car or reverse time...". She laughed, and kept going. I ran up to audition, signed in, and called AAA. Now, this is where it gets fun... My wallet is in the car, but thankfully I have the dollar and my phone. So I get change, fill the meter (shout out to the dude behind the counter @ 200 S. LaBrea, I owe you 75¢ homie), and make it back to be the "dude-coming-into-the-audition-room-while-the-explanation-is-happening" guy (so far, so good). We go back out and wait to be called. Just as I'm about to go next, AAA hits me up to tell me dude is outside (which only took 10 mins, crae crae), and I don't want to miss him, so I tell the casting associate (who was super awesome & understanding) the deal, and bolt. The locksmith is waiting for me, and, this guy is in my car in less than 5 minutes, it was a thing of beauty. I gave him my card once I got inside, everything was lovely, and I ran upstairs, just in time to get called in to the room and rock shit...
The moral of the story. Remain calm, handle like a boss, AAA is totally worth it, and the peeps @ 200 S. LaBrea and Pam Stark Casting rock the casbah!!

Thanks for letting me vent. I'm good, now.
