Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm another year older (as of 1/18, thanks you very much), and life is not without it's infinite barage of lessons and mishaps. Now, not trying to throw myself a pity party, but I have a penchant for the pessimistic. Knowing this, I've worked very hard to remind myself of the infinite wonder and mystery of things, and how futile negativity is. All that being said, I forget, and need to be reminded, and the crazy thing is that when you need it most is when you're the most blind to the fact. Sometimes it takes something drastic to bring you back to center, or a culmination of smaller things that finally add up, little droplets of rain eventually making a river that breaks a dam. Either way, I'm thankful for those reminders, in whatever incarnation. Recenty I've had a string of whack events happen to me (I'll spare the details), which didn't help the deep funk I've been in over the last months. But, ironically, it was these things that snapped me back to appreciate the important stuff, and it wasn't until I thought I would crack that it happened. Although, I'd like to think meditating and self-reflection have helped me to harness these moments is depairity and turn them into something positive. Because ultimately, positive begets positive, negative begets negative, and no one or no thing can break that cycle (either way) but you. I'm just happy to be on this side of the fence again, and I'm ready for MY new year. Stay posted...

Ps- LA, please stop raining...pretty please.


- Posted on the run, from my iPhone

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